Tuesday, May 24, 2022
I met Katharine at Richview Branch of Etobicoke Public Library when we both began our librarian careers about the same month and lived in the same apartment building. I realize now she was 23 years older than I, but I never felt any sense of the 'elder woman' in her. When she moved to Lakefield and I moved to Victoria , BC we kept writing every Christmas and she visited once to see Peter on Saltspring and her brother in law in Nanaimo. I was always very impressed by her constant learning . Most important was when she wrote me that she figured she better downsize into less expensive accommodation since her mother had lived to be over 100.
What was marvellous to me is that most of us at Richview were just beginning our careers..while of various ages...and being a small library , this helped cement our life long friendships . Katharine had a good long life and I greatly appreciate you going to the effort to find me Mike.
Marg Palmer